Advance notice as of 01.07.2024

D3D++ becomes D3D++ Standard and D3D++ Pro Automation

At the request of many of our customers, we are changing the license model of D3D++ from temporary use (rental) to the purchase and maintenance model you are familiar with from PolyWorks on 01.07.2024. You will be able to order D3D++ from your local distributor, along with your PolyWorks Software.

The PolyWorks® Plug-In D3D++ is developed by Duwe-3d AG and enables the direct import & export of company-specific measuring and inspection plans, the connection of hand-held measuring devices, the simple application of ISO tolerances and much more ...

The time-consuming manual creation of nominal geometries, measuring points, sections and RPS points in PolyWorks|Inspector™ with the correct designations and tolerances is no longer necessary. The PolyWorks|Inspector project is automatically created, aligned and evaluated in accordance with the inspection plan. The results can be exported to the appropriate company-specific data format. The formats of the following OEMs are integrated: Audi, BMW, Daimler, Opel and VW. Furthermore, many additional functions and macros are integrated via D3D++.




We are a member of the OPC Foundation.

OPC UA Logo (Color_Large).png
OPC UA is a data exchange standard for industrial communication that is independent of manufacturer, programming language and operating system. OPC UA can semantically describe machine data and make it accessible in vertical and horizontal directions. OPC UA is secure and reliable and enables interoperability between devices from different manufacturers.

D3D++ Standard - software package

D3D++ Standard contains the following functions

Why you benefit from our plug-in ...

Import of inspection plans with D3D++

Import of inspection plans of the OEMs Audi, BMW, Daimler, Opel and VW. in PolyWorks|Inspector™.

Export of inspection results with D3D++

Export of inspection results for the OEMs Audi, BMW, Daimler, Opel and VW. As well as independent formats such as DMO (DMIS), Flex-Text and DFQ.

D3D++ evaluations and measurement strategies

With D3D++ additional measurement methods for relative measurement, gap & flush, ball adapter and many more can be used in PolyWorks|Inspector™.

First article inspection report / Production process and product release

With D3D++ you can now automatically create a production process and product release according to VDA Volume 2.

User-friendly D3D++ toolbar

Quick and easy access to frequently used functions.

D3D++ library

D3D++ contains additional functions, toolbars and macros that are appreciated by many PolyWorks users.

Quick and easy application of ISO tolerances

ISO tolerances

With D3D++ you can set ISO tolerances interactively in PolyWorks|Inspector™.

Use D3D++ for an easy and safe
safe handling of your CNC measuring machine

D3D CNC Toolbar

Quick and easy access to frequently used functions of CNC measuring machines.

D3D CNC Laser Scanning Toolbar

D3D++ supports you in dealing with scan paths and laser scanners on CNC measuring machines.

Temperature monitoring for CNC measuring machines

New measuring method for monitoring and documenting component and axis temperatures.

Password protected access to the CNC configuration

Password protects your CNC configuration from unauthorized or unwanted changes.

Monitoring of sensor system orientations (for CNC measuring machines)

D3D++ offers the possibility to monitor, document and automate the measurement of the sensor system orientations in a measurement sequence.

D3D CNC Setup and Servicing Toolbar

The D3D CNC Setup and Servicing Toolbar supports you in setting up and monitoring CNC measuring machines.

D3D++ Pro Automation - software package

D3D++ Pro Automation contains all the functions of D3D++ Standard and
offers additional interfaces and automation solutions


Automate your inspection processes now

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OPC UA Data exchange standard

Thanks to OPC UA, different measuring devices and systems in a production line can communicate in real time. This makes it possible, for example, to detect deviations or problems at an early stage.

RoboDK Interface

With our D3D++ plugin for RoboDK, you can expand your PolyWorks range of functions. The RoboDK interface gives you access to an extensive library of over 1.000 robot arms. This includes both RoboDK OLP (offline programming) and online remote control using the RoboDK Robot Drivers. With the new RoboDK Toolbar, you only need a few clicks to remotely control your robot directly from your PolyWorks|Inspector Sequence.

Watch the product video RoboDK Toolbar

Webservice Interface

D3D++ allows HTTP(S) connection to web services, web pages or services.

D3D++ Automation Interface via TCP-IP

D3D++ gives you network access to PolyWorks macro commands, e.g. to connect robotics and PLC systems.

D3D++ MQTT Interface

MQTT is a standard IoT protocol for connecting sensors and devices.

D3D++ Serial-Port-Interface

Via D3D++ a project specific and flexible integration of devices with a serial interface (RS232) e.g. of dial gauges or temperature sensors is possible.

D3D Duplex Toolkit

Simplifies the operation of your duplex machine and enables complex duplex applications, such as iterative alignments as part of a customer project.

D3D Sequence Master Toolkit

Enables complex applications such as iterative alignments within a customer project.


With the MiR Toolbar, you can move your metrological components, mounted on a Mobile Industrial Robots system, fully automatically through a PolyWorks measuring sequence to various positions.


D3D++ becomes D3D++ Standard and D3D++ Pro Automation

Due to numerous customer requests, we are changing the license model of D3D++ from 01.07.2024.
Instead of the previous temporary use (rental), we will offer you the proven purchase and maintenance model that you already know from PolyWorks. 

Do you already have an active D3D++ license? Then we would like to congratulate you. You benefit from the fact that you no longer have to buy D3D++ Standard, but can automatically switch from the previous annual usage model to the maintenance model.
You no longer have to pay the one-off acquisition costs.

D3D++ Standard offers the import of inspection plans and export of measurement results in OEM formats of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and VW, incl. measurement strategies. D3D++ Standard also includes toolbars and functionality to increase productivity. Including an interactive dialog for the use of ISO tolerances. The D3D++ user interface and documentation are available in German and English. You can see the details further up on this page.

D3D++ Pro Automation contains all the functions of D3D++ Standard and offers additional interfaces and automation solutions. These include OPC UA Client & Server, RoboDK interface, connection to web services, iterative alignment for duplex CNC measuring machines and much more. You can see the details further up on this page.


A detailed list of the individual functions can be found under:
D3D++ software packages



What's New in D3D++ Standard

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D3D++ 2024 supports the new PolyWorks 2024 ribbon menu

After installing D3D++, the D3D++ toolbar is installed automatically.

Extension of the D3D++ CNC Toolbar

The D3D CNC toolbar has been extended for the use of the ZEISS EagleEye and the ZEISS LineScan.

What's New in D3D++ Pro Automation

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With the new RoboDK toolbar, you can quickly and easily access an extensive library of over 800 robot arms.

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With D3D++ version 2024, UA Companion Specifications such as OPC 40210: Geometric Measuring Systems from the VDMA OPC UA GMS working group can now also be implemented.


You want to know how to buy D3D++?

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Release Information


Intermediate Release

All new funtions can be found in the D3D++ Release Notes

Download (1.1 MB)

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